Colourstrings Music



  • My daughter Libby really enjoyed the class. She said “it was great”. She liked creeping around to the music. I also participated with her and found it enjoyable. It’s clear that classes will benefit her; her understanding, music making, and playing in time.  – Amelia
  • It’s so much fun at the music school! I loved it when we all moved about in rhythm with the music. It was great fun to see my dad also enjoy it with me!  – Adithi
  • I really liked the idea of us parents getting involved as well. It’s good exercise and a great way to learn timing and rhythm in music.  – Prasen (Adithi’s Dad)
  • Melanie is kind and friendly. She helps me to stop worrying and play freely.  – Madeline
  • I like Piano because it calms me down and it makes me feel happy. I like Melanie because she always inspires me and always pushes me further, but in a nice way.  – Oceane
  • Both boys like musical games when Melanie plays the piano. Alekos likes musical maths. Theo likes cello bowing and the bird position is his favourite. I have noticed they are hearing music more outside of the lessons and commenting on it, correcting themselves when they practice and recognising sounds.  – Becky (Theo and Alekos’s Mum)